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A new addition.....

Jessica and I have been married a little over year, and we recently bought a house. Honestly, we feel like well established adults who know what they are doing and they LIKE it! We are bold, we are awesome, we are Hilden FIERCE! I happen to know that everyone reading this blog thinks "oh man, Jess and Dave are soooo sweet. They are the epitome of cool. They are so active and have everything together I wish I could be their best friends, and we would laugh over the roaring coals of their brand new BBQ." Alright so that's a bit of a stretch....a huge stretch...last time we used the BBQ, I somehow torched our concrete sidewalk...I probably freak out a few times a week just thinking about being a adult. What happened?? One minute I was planning my summer vacation....and now WE'RE paying a mortgage! (see the jump from I to We're?) A lot has changed. A LOT.
One more thing is about to change. One. More. Thing.......BUT before I say what I should step back a little bit....

Growing up I always wanted to be Dr. Dolittle, not the Eddie Murphy Dr. Dolittle, BUT Rex Harrison's Dr. D. I wanted to ride inside of a giant snail, and laugh with the armidillo that just cracked a joke.

As I grew older my feelings changed, I knew that animals didn't actually talk to people....well they MIGHT, but they don't choose to talk to me. I decided that I would just own a bunch of pets instead. A few fish tanks, cats, a lion, and possibly a dog or two.

I grew,developed, and realized that my hopes of owning a lot of animals would probably not come true. I'm still holding on to my thoughts of owning a lion. ( I just have to sweet talk Gov. Pawlenty on over turning a few pesky laws. my next post is going to be about a petition that I am starting...). I settled down with the idea of just owning one animal. One sweet, sweet, honey of an animal. A Welsh Pembroke Corgi.

Then I met Jessica. My wonderful wife....who hates animals. How did God bring us together??? That is a whole other story with LOTS of twists and turns. Have you ever seen the show Family Matters? Let's just say I was Steve Urkel and she was Laura....

Growing even older, I learned life was filled with compromise and love. I learned that wives love their husbands and husbands love their wives. They want dreams fulfilled and hope to be had. They want to show love in mysterious ways and encourage each other. They want their spouse to smile, dance, and laugh with glee. They want them to be Dr. Dolittle.........

My dreams are being fulfilled on Saturday, May 2nd 2009......

Meet Olive Oyl.


mrs boo radley said...

Love the name!

Jweaver said...

She is so precious, I can't wait to meet her!
Congratulation Dr. and Mrs. Dolittle :)

Laurie Amos said...

Does this make her my Grandpuppy? Who does she look like...Dave or jess?

Kendra said...

This is not a comment for Dave and Jessica, but for grandma Lori.

Grandma Deb only has a dog and cat to love as grandchilden, and she likes to refer to her special Grandpuppy as her 'Grand-dog-er'

I hope your Granddoger brings you as much joy as Ginger brings Grandma Deb!!

Jweaver said...

The pitter patter of little.. paws :)
Granddogger, I love that!

Justin said...

Just so long as you can get her to wear that top hat!

Shelly said...

so fun! congrats on your new little one...fur and all!