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The Cabin Rocks the Party part 1

It has been a loooong time since I've been up to the cabin for an entire week. We used to do it all the time growing up. It's been an Amos family tradition to take a summer vacation up there, but I had to grow up and get a real job and now there's a nasty little acronym that keeps this from happening: PTO. But things worked out beautifully this year and we were able to pull it off!

It's quite the adjustment being back in the real world after waking up to this every morning:

We have many pictures to share and stories to tell. Stay tuned for: rope swing adventures, mustache man, Olive takes a swim, bowl or bust, and more.


mrs boo radley said...

Ooooh, does Olive like to swim??

SnoWhite said...

what a peaceful and relaxing week it must have been!

Justin said...

welcome home! (Gets bowl of popcorn and sits in front of your blog hitting refresh repeatedly until more pictures are posted.)

Laurie Amos said...

It was a great week, I miss it already. Can't wait to see more pictures.