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a week of gratitude

This has been a good week for me to count joy because it has been a hard week to do so. Very up and down in a lot of ways. But one of my favorite of God's attributes is that He remains the same and He remains faithful. So I am grateful.

59. homemade rosemary flat bread

60. the calm after the storm (in a good way)

61. "the whole enchilada"

62. new plans

63. breakfast date (a repeat I know, but I will always be thankful for this)

64. clean carpet

65. freshly mowed grass

66. an evening walk with four friends, two babies, a sister and a dog

67. reassurance

68. comical answers from a young Sunday School participant

69. seeing shelves filling up (more on this later)

70. filled flower boxes

71. two for one candy bars from the vending machine

72. 95 and sunny ( I have to remember that in the dead of winter I long for this weather!)

73. a quick-to-forgive husband

74. new Australian friends

75. being one of hundreds of people singing along to familiar lyrics.

76. house guests who appreciate your efforts