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and the thanks continues

92. heart swelling with pride at sibling talent

93. homemade spanish rice

94. green strawberries growing on the vine

95. news of new life

96. a puppy's head cocked sideways trying to comprehend

97. large-ish dinner parties

98. stories of far away lands

99. the quiet after all have left

100. the rain holding off just.a.bit.longer

101. rocking chair/porch time

102. being under budget with groceries!!

103. memories re-visited

104. family surprises

105. kindness of a stranger

106. an age-old tradition

107. bread, cheese and fruit

108. sisters on swings


Jweaver said...

news of new life? :)

Dave said...

COOL OUT. News of new life = my cousin had a baby. OH aaaaand they came out with a new procedure, and now I'm pregnant. Suuuuurrrrprise.

Jweaver said...

hey man, I'm just asking ! :)

Laurie Amos said...

I recognize and also appreciate many of those things on your list of gratitude. They make me smile.