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Life's not (a) fair!

I recently contemplated how great life would be if instead of going to work everyday, I just spent all day every day at the State Fair. Instead of processing checks and running reports and sitting at my desk all day, my daily activities would include riding the giant slide as many times as I wanted, eating cheese curds and entire buckets of Sweet Martha's Cookies. But I'm sure that by the end of a week, when I was 800 pounds heavier and completely broke, I would be regretting my decision to quit my job and become a fair lifer. What is it about the fair that has me completely mesmerized? Is it the masses of people seemingly all there for the same reason: chocolate covered bacon? Is it that you can walk and walk and walk and never find a bathroom? Or is it the shaved Hawaiian Ice that always turns my mouth red for hours? It's disturbing but I cant be at the fair and not get the shaved ice. Whatever it is...I simply love it. I love the fair!


J-mizzle said...

If you do it, I'll do it. I could really go for a Turkey Leg about now.

And yes, I capitalized Turkey Leg on purpose. You guys should link my Twins blog too. If only because I actually write on that one. :)

Noni said...

Do they really have chocolate covered bacon? I'm intrigued...
And I agree...every day should be fair day!

Becky said...

Okay-in the grand scheme of things, what's 800 extra pounds and no money? Really? I say, gain the weight, spend all the money, and live a very (short) I mean happy life!

Autumn said...

a masterful post, jessica.

Anonymous said...

best picture of dave - ever!